Monday, 13 October 2008

Small Business Week 2008

Just spotted the following information about Small Business Week 2008

Helping UK businesses compete and thrive

During the week of October 13, 2008, a range of government, business and independent organisations will come together to celebrate the country's 4.6 million small businesses.As part of the week, a wealth of resources and advice will be available to help businesses make the most of opportunities available to them and their staff.Helping UK businesses compete and thrive
During the week of October 13, 2008, a range of government, business and independent organisations will come together to celebrate the country's 4.6 million small businesses.As part of the week, a wealth of resources and advice will be available to help businesses make the most of opportunities available to them and their staff.

Small Business Week promises to be a dynamic and eventful week, bringing together businesses, government agencies and advice organisations in a wide range of events and discussions in locations across the UK.The week will debate the issues that affect the small business community and seek to develop ways to support its long-term success. It will also provide businesses with access to invaluable resources and advice specifically designed to help them compete and thrive.

For more details visit

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